Porto’s Bakery & Cafe

Hi there, Foodies!

No one likes to admit it, but let’s face it: the days that follow Christmas are pretty depressing. The anticipation is over. The “Christmas spirit” no longer exists, yet decorations and Christmas music still seem to mock you.

However, there is no better way to remedy this “post-Christmas gloom” than to treasure the memories and traditions that you shared with family and friends…and of course, to start planning for next Christmas!

For the past two Christmas Eves, my dad, sister, and I have woken up at five o’clock in the morning to get to Porto’s before it opens at six o’clock. Yes, we are crazy, but let me say the same about the better part of the Californian population. The line is out the door if you are not there the second they open (and keep in mind that Porto’s is more of a giant warehouse than a hole-in-the-wall bakery).

So you probably want to know why people want to leave the comfort of their warm beds on Christmas Eve in the wee hours of the morning. The answer can be summed up in two simple words: potato balls. If you have not tasted this scrumptious sphere from heaven, you have not lived. It is basically a ball of mashed potatoes with ground beef in the middle that is slightly crispy on the outside. I have no idea how they season the meat filling, but it is by far the most flavorful I’ve tasted.

Although the potato balls are what Porto’s is known for, I also highly recommend the apple strudel and the baked ham and cheese croissant. Of course, the hot chocolate makes the early morning endeavor all worthwhile.

Well foodies, I think the bottom line is this: If Porto’s is not a tradition of yours already, it needs to become one. New Year’s, birthdays, or just a regular old Monday morning are all perfect….the sooner the better!

Give us our potato balls! 

Masterful bakers at work 

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