Easy, Pantry-Friendly Blondies

I’m going to start by apologizing. Not for the blondie recipe (they’re delicious), but to all the people like me who are still grappling with 24/7 access to the kitchen. Having willpower is no easy task under the best of circumstances, and I think we can all agree that school closures and social distancing and a global pandemic are not the best of circumstances. But I like to think that these…special…times call for a treat now and then, and what beats gooey, chocolatey, butterscotchy, freshly-baked blondies? (Nothing. The answer is nothing).

Sadly, I cannot take credit for this recipe…Ina Garten can. Her chocolate chunk blondie recipe is a force to be reckoned with. Her recipe called for 1.5 cups of chopped walnuts, but since I didn’t have any of those, I used butterscotch chips instead. If you don’t have chocolate chunks, use chocolate chips. If you don’t have chocolate chips, cut up a candy bar. You can get creative here.

I don’t know about you, but it seems like I never have the right kind of butter (salted or unsalted, that is), which usually prompts a speedy grocery run. However, since that isn’t really an option anymore, here’s a handy dandy note on butter:

If you have unsalted butter but need salted butter, simply salt the unsalted butter (1/4 teaspoon per every stick). If you have salted butter but need unsalted butter (usually when baking), simply subtract the salt from the additional salt in the recipe.

In this case, the recipe called for 2 sticks of unsalted butter and 1 teaspon of kosher salt. Since you already have 1/2 teaspon of salt (1/4 times 2) in 2 sticks of salted butter, you only need to add another 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt instead of the original 1 teaspoon.

Enough math…click here for the recipe. Happy quarantining!

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