An Eggs-cellent Start to 2016!

Happy 2016, everyone! 
I hope you all had a special first day of this year.

Last night, I saw an episode of Cutthroat Kitchen, a show where chefs compete and bid on sabotages to give to their opponents (I highly recommend it, by the way). Anyway, in the episode, the contestants were asked to make an omelet. Omelets–light and airy eggs filled with delicious goodness. This inspired me to get the new year off to an eggs-cellent start by making an omelet myself. So this morning, I made a strawberry and cream omelet. Most people think that omelets are only filled with savory ingredients, but fruit omelets are actually really delicious! Here’s what I did:

  • I started by preparing the filling. In my case, that meant cutting up my strawberries. Depending on how sweet you like things, you can add sugar to the strawberries if you’d like. Now to those of you who want to make a savory omelet, you would instead chop and then saute your filling ingredients. 
  • Then, I made the egg mixture by cracking eggs into a bowl. To the eggs, I added a pinch of salt and some milk to thin it out.
  • After that, I put a non-stick pan onto medium-high heat. I melted butter in the pan and then poured a thin layer of the egg mixture. 
  • Then, my friends, I just waited. Yes, I know…it is very tempting to flip the omelet too early, but patience. You have to wait until you can’t see anymore of the liquid mixture on the top of the forming omelet. If you flip it too early, it will fall apart and become a scramble, not an omelet. 
  • Next, after I flipped the omelet, I made a stripe of sour cream with a spoon in the center of the omelet and then added the strawberries. If you are making a savory omelet, put in your prepared filling in at this time. (My sister used shredded cheddar and bacon when making hers, and it was sublime!)
  • Finally, I folded the omelet over and topped it with whipped cream and strawberries. For savory omelets, you can sprinkle with cheese and/or chives instead.  
Bon Appetit!

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